Health check API Reference


The Health API is a public endpoint which gives info on the server health.


All requests are GET requests to the /healthz endpoint. There’s also /hasura/healthz available as an alternative, which mirrors /healthz completely.

API Spec


GET /healthz HTTP/1.1


Depending on the server health status any of the following responses can be returned:

Server condition HTTP Status Message
All healthy 200 OK
Serving requests but some metadata objects are inconsistent/not-available 200 WARN: inconsistent objects in schema
Unhealthy 500 ERROR


If there are metadata inconsistencies, you should use the Hasura console or the get_inconsistent_metadata API to find out what the inconsistent objects are and resolve them.

Sample response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Disabling Health check API

The healthz API endpoint is public and cannot be disabled.